Agenda for the Second Annual General Meeting of
The Swords Woodland Association

Via Zoom @ 8 PM, 3rd September 2020

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of A.G.M. held on 25th February 2019
  3. President’s Report
  4. Secretary’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Field Officer’s Report
  7. Constitution changes
    (a) Removal of Section 8, (a) which states;
    (a) The Group will hold an Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) in the month of November.
    (b) and replace it with;
    (a) A general meeting of the Swords Woodland Association shall be held annually or within 15 months of the previous AGM.
  8. Election of members of the committee.
    ( Not to exceed 11, from which the committee will elect the officers.)
  9. A. O. B.

Chairman’s Report Swords Woodland Association 2019 – 2020

Swords Woodland Association was founded just 3 years ago and in that time we have worked hard on various projects and initiatives to make a difference in the greater Swords Area.

Our objectives are outlined below, and we have and will continue to liaise with Fingal County Council and other Agencies and Companies to pursue these objectives in the short and medium term.

Swords Woodland Association seeks to create a well-planned quality of life for those who live, work and visit the Greater Swords Area through the maintenance, enhancement and sustainable development of our woodlands and existing green belt. We support land use planning that recognises the benefits of forestry, woodlands, allotments and community gardens in generating healthy urban communities. We advocate direct input to policy makers.

We believe that our community needs to understand the challenges of decreasing biodiversity, climate change, river basin protection, flood attenuation and other issues that may arise more quickly than we wish. We will join with others in the sharing of relevant information.

We seek to link new and existing transport commitments to land use plans that sustainably address the housing and movement needs of citizens. SWA strongly advocates for the enhancement and further development of pedestrian and cycling options in the Greater Swords Area.

Guided by the belief that wellbeing is a social asset, SWA advocates for properly scaled eco-tourism initiatives that offer the benefits of outdoor pursuits and exercise to all citizens of and visitors to the Greater Swords Area. We seek a climate of genuine partnership and engagement within communities that will assist in defining constructive and sustainable goals.

As Chairman I would like I would also like thank Fingal County Council and The Dublin Airport Authority for their continued support with our efforts and all other sponsors and groups that have supported us.

Finally, I would like to thank all our officers, committee members and volunteers for all their hard work and dedication. Swords Woodland Association has come a long way in a few short years and together we can look forward to working hard to making a difference for all in the greater Swords area in the future.

Gerry White