Trees filter and clean the air by removing pollutants, including carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide.

Trees provide insulation and reduce energy bills by acting as a barrier for cold walls as well as providing shade in summer.

Trees filter and regulate rivers and reduce flooding by spreading rainfall and soaking up run-off.

The importance of Trees

Human civilisation has been made possible by Trees, they have given us air, water, food, shelter, shade, tools and homes for animals, birds and bees.

  • One tree can absorb as much carbon in a year as a car produces driving 20,000 miles.
  • Trees filter and clean the air by removing pollutants, including carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide.
  • Trees provide insulation and reduce energy bills by acting as a barrier for cold walls as well as providing shade in summer.
  • In urban areas trees act as a buffer and can greatly reduce noise levels by up to half.
  • Trees filter and regulate rivers and reduce flooding by spreading rainfall and soaking up run-off.
  • Trees anchor the soil, increase it’s fertility and prevent erosion.
  • Trees provide fuel and shelter for birds and wildlife.
  • Trees provide beauty and improve peoples relationships with nature.

The Swords Woodland Association is an association of volunteers, formed with the aim of researching and advocating for the maintenance of the existing green belt within the greater Swords urban area; while promoting innovative ways to ensure a greater appreciation of green spaces by the population as a whole.

Swords Woodland Association are active in the Fingal Public Participation Network (PPN) and have also become a member of the Fingal Environmental Network which includes affiliation with the Environmental Pillar.

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